A Box of Dad Jokes

Life is like a box of dad jokes Some of it is funny All of it is embarrassing Reload to get a fresh batch of dad jokes. Sound from ZapSplat.

Unholy Unions: Merriam-Webster & Giphy

Unholy Unions: Merriam-Webster & Giphy "If Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary and Giphy had a baby together, what would it look like?" Indeed. Well, now you can find out.

Machine Translation

tags: API AI

Machine Translation The vodka is good but the meat is rotten In the apocryphal machine translation story, the text "the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak" became, "the vodka is good but the meat is rotten". Today's code sketch pays homage to that. Click on any of the words in the yellow box to see what WordsAPI rustles up as a synonym (no substitutions made means WordsAPI had no synonyms to offer).


Spacetime Where are we? During dinner the other day, our friend Jhave reminded us of the incredible difficulty of trying to retain in mind the idea that time is space. So consider the image a clock of sorts, that renders differently based on what time it is for you. Or where in the world you choose to be. Also, who knew SVGs were so fun??